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Power of Attorney Q&A
from Paul Premack, Probate and Estate Planning

How to change Agent in a Durable Power of Attorney
How to change Agent in a Durable Power of Attorney

How to Help Combative Mom with Dementia
How to Help Combative Mom with Dementia

Mistakes to avoid with Powers of Attorney
Texas law does not require the time-limitation in a power of attorney, but Texas law allows and enforces a time-limitation when included

Who wins between Agent and Trustee?
Durable power of attorney takes precedence over his individual domain while the Trust takes precedence over the trust’s domain.

Does e-Signing avoid coronavirus?
Signing estate planning documents is by law more restrictive that signing contracts and commercial documents.

Can I Sign a Directive to Physicians for my Alzheimer’s mother?
As Agent under the Medical Power of Attorney, you can decide on life support issues for her when the moment arrives.

No Pre-Planning Leads to Guardianship
Durable and Medical Powers of Attorney are voluntary tools that can keep you out of Guardianship court.

End of life decisions rely on Advance Directives
End of life decisions rely on Advance Directives

Home Equity Loan liability after Divorce and Death
Home Equity Loan liability after Divorce and Death

Guide to Managing Someone Else’s Money
Guide to Managing Someone Else’s Money

Using Power of Attorney in Daughter’s Estate
If you are naming your grandson as Agent, stop. Walk away from the POA. Revoke it or be sure it was never signed at all. It is illegal for h

When the Nursing Facility Keeps Resident’s Original Legal Documents
When the Nursing Facility Keeps Resident’s Original Legal Documents

Care facilities should never practice law
Care facilities should never practice law

Substitution of Agent and Delegation of Authority
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express News and other Hearst Newspapers on October 30, 2018. Dear Mr. Premack: My father...

Replace, do not Amend, Powers of Attorney
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express News and other Hearst Newspapers on October 1, 2018. Dear Mr. Premack: Can a...

Agent’s Fiduciary Duty to Account
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express News and other Hearst Newspapers on July 16, 2018. A Fiduciary must protect the...

Do Basic Statutory Forms Address Broad Legal Needs?
Do Basic Statutory Forms Address Broad Legal Needs?

How to Revoke a Recorded Durable POA
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express News on February 23, 2018. The legal revisions to the Texas Durable Power of...

New Laws: Power of Attorney Acceptance
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express-News on September 11, 2017. As of September 1, 2017 the law has changed. A new set...

New Laws: Durable Power of Attorney
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express-News on September 5, 2017. (Part 3 in a series.) Regardless of the size of the...

Power of Attorney Acceptance
As of September 1, 2017 the law has changed. A new set of procedures has been enacted to help assure that your DPOA can be used when the nee

Prepare before age and infirmity become factors
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express News on June 5, 2017. It may not be too late. However, it is certainly very bad...

Why powers of attorney and equity loans are a troubled mix in Texas
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express News on April 24, 2017. Dear Mr. Premack: I currently have a special and general...

How to Reclaim Control from Rogue Agent
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express News on April 17, 2017. Let’s define some terms. A Power of Attorney (POA) is a...

Legislature to consider Accountability issues
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express News on January 25, 2017. The 85th regular session of the Texas Legislature opened...

Who controls your medical and financial decisions when you’re alone and sick or dying?
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express-News on May 2, 2016. When you are alone, your options include: > The Money...

Four steps to including pet care in your estate plan
Enduring care for your dog, cat or other companion animal is a chief concern for many pet owners. Your pets bring comfort, give love and are

Living (and Dying) in Two States
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express News on November 10, 2015. Each US state has its own distinct laws relating to...
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