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Texas No Call List - Bothered by telemarketing phone calls? Texas law allows you to have your name and phone number put on the "no call list."
Medicare Compare is sponsored by the Center for Medicare Services (CMS). This website gives you a side-by-side comparison of your Medicare options.
National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA)
National Elder Law Foundation (NELF) is the national certification authority for Elder Law Attorneys.
GetElderLaw website from NELF, provides Elder Law questions and answers.
Texas Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
Washington state Chapter of the National Adademy of Elder Law Attorneys.
National Senior Citizen Law Center (Justice in Aging) in Washington, D.C.
National Fraud Information Center, which works in cooperation with the National Association of Attorneys General and the Federal Trade Commission.
Nursing Home Compare, a service of the Center for Medicare Services (CMS). In addition to helpful manuals like "Guide to Choosing a Nursing Home," this site lists hundreds of nursing homes nationwide.
Social Security Online
Texas Attorney General, Consumer Protection and Senior Rights
Washington state Attorney General, Protecting Seniors
George Washington University, Milken Institute, School of Public Health website addressing the growing costs of aging in America. Visit:
Seniors' Guide to Medication Management, from SingleCare, which covers important tips and tricks for seniors and their caregivers to properly handle prescriptions.