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Revocable Living Trusts Q&A
from Paul Premack, Probate and Estate Planning

Avoiding Guardianship Requirements for Minor Beneficiaries in Life Insurance Policies
Ensuring Your Minor Child or Grandchild Receives Benefits Efficiently When designating a minor, such as a minor child or minor...

FDIC Deposit Insurance Rules for Trusts: New vs. Old
FDIC Deposit Insurance Rules for Trusts: New vs. Old, changes effective April 1, 2024

Is a Living Trust right for me?
When you own land in multiple states, your estate may have to go to probate in all of those states. A Living Trust can be the solution...

Co-owning a Home in Texas
You are living with someone who is not your spouse, and you recently purchased a home together.

Can a Trust Protect Son’s Inheritance?
Your goal to protect your son would be enhanced by using a well drafted Trust.

I want a cheap and easy Will
Most states, Texas and Washington included, allow two types of "Last Will and Testament", each with its own technicalities.

Pros and Cons of a Living Trust
We would like to avoid probate using a Revocable Living Trust. Can you run through the pros- and cons- of that type of estate planning?

Q & A on Community Property Survivorship Agreements
Does having a Community Property Survivorship Agreement (CPSA) really avoid probate? Does it have to go before a Judge when one of us dies?

2021 Legislation affecting Estate Planning
2021 Legislation affecting Estate Planning

Does first spouse or second spouse inherit?
The intent was to give the share to the “wife” who was wife when the trust was signed, not to some unknown unanticipated future “wife”.

Is a Living Trust a good solution for handling assets in a Second Marriage?
Dear Mr. Premack: My spouse and I have a Revocable Living Trust. The attorney who wrote it for us asked if we wanted the trust terms to...

How Do I turn down being a Successor Trustee?
You are listed without your consent. What can you legally do? First, you need to inform the Trust creators that you do not want the job.

Mom needs Contingency Plan to Pass House Title
In the Will, you could state that you leave your house to your youngest daughter, under the terms of a Testamentary Trust inside your Will.

Who wins between Agent and Trustee?
Durable power of attorney takes precedence over his individual domain while the Trust takes precedence over the trust’s domain.

Can I control who gets my IRA?
The simplicity of the non-testamentary designation can interfere with planning for a more complex goal.

Can I be trustee and beneficiary of my trust?
Doctrine of Merger: when trustee and beneficiary are the same person, without restriction on the assets

How Do I Keep Former Will Beneficiary from Cheating?
The court-based probate process is designed to avoid deceit and fraud, but as with any human endeavor it is not perfect. Texas law is clear

Paying for Fluffy’s Care after Dad Dies
Pets are a wonderful addition to many Senior lives, providing companionship and contact that enriches the Seniors’ lives. But a pet is also

Don’t Emulate Plan-less Celebrities
Aretha Franklin died in 2018 in Michigan, with an estate that Forbes reports as about $80 million. Three papers have been filed in court. Tw

Estate Planning is for Young Adults, too
Estate Planning is for Young Adults, too

Keeping land in the family for generations
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express News and other Hearst Newspapers on December 28, 2018. Dear Mr. Premack: I received...

Planning for your pets is vital
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express News on April 27, 2018 Dear Mr. Premack: My wife and I love animals and have two...

How to handle a scam against elderly parent
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express-News on January 12, 2018. Scams against the elderly are all too common. You should...

Can a Spendthrift Trust protect your own assets?
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express-News on December 1, 2017. In 2013, the Texas Legislature amended section 112.035 of...

A method to avoid Elder Exploitation
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express-News on October 24, 2017. Your mother needs to see a Certified Elder Law Attorney...

Is a Living Trust useful in Medicaid Planning?
This column first appeared in the San Antoni0 Express News on January 16, 2017. Dear Mr. Premack: My parents are in their 80’s and have...

Intestacy can skewer inheritance expectations
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express News on August 5, 2016. Inheritance expectations run aground Dear Mr. Premack: My...

Can a verbal agreement over inheritance be enforced in Texas?
This column first appeared in the San Antonio Express-News on April 19, 2016. Dear Mr. Premack : Before my mother passed away, she...
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